Week of 4/19/2015 to 4/25/2015: Top 10 of 16 Referring Sites

Sorted by Access Count

Rank Referring Site Accesses % Bytes %
1 http://www.reitech.com.sg 281 64.16 1,572,025 61.67
2 http://reitech.com.sg 118 26.94 683,491 26.81
3 https://www.google.com.sg 9 2.05 71,622 2.81
4 http://best-seo-offer.com 8 1.83 63,632 2.50
5 http://www.baidu.com 4 0.91 31,832 1.25
6 http://www.google.com 3 0.68 20,119 0.79
7 http://sucuri.net 3 0.68 21,963 0.86
8 http://www.google.com.sg 2 0.46 15,916 0.62
9 http://buttons-for-your-website.com 2 0.46 15,908 0.62
10 http://www.facebook.com 2 0.46 14,257 0.56